Hooray! I have learned how to add a link for my Picasa web albums....now I can showcase my daylily photos! There are now 2 links at the top right of my blog; one album for my seedlings (new flowers that have 'been borne' of my hybridizing efforts...and I'm currently evaluating, but not registered ...yet) and one album for photos of registered (with the American Hemerocallis Society) daylily cultivars...these are registered named plants that have been introduced and their hybridizers have made available to the market. All registered/introduced plants start life as someone's seedling.
So, please click on the links and have a look at my daylilies.
I look forward to seeing your 'babies'!
The shape of the flower resembles hibiscus.... cheers! ~ bangchik
Yes, you are right, Bangchik, some people mistake the daylily for a hibiscus..
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