Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Memories of summer 2017

Region  10 Summer Daylily Convention
Memphis, TN
Luke, Anna & Hayden went with us. 

Trooper...the grand dog visits.

'Eden's Glory'

Sam..checking seedlings on a cold June morning.

 Lee Pickles's seedling gift...'Lee's Lasting Legacy' 

Red Volunteer x Free Wheelin'  2 sibs

Seedling garden

small bed by garage

'Annabelle' hydrangea and 'Aphrodite' calycanthus

'Aphrodite' bloom up close

'Annabelle' with spiderwort

'Thin Man' seedling clump

Sam admiring clump

'Trooper'...good garden dog

'Ancient Elf' by fence

one of the Rusty Birds

another Rusty Bird

Koi pond

Looking at the front porch through the garden bench.