Monday, March 26, 2012

Some of my favorite reds....these are terrific performers in our garden.

Chicago Apache (Marsh-Klehm, 1981)

height 27", bloom 5", season M, Dormant, Tetraploid, Scarlet self with green throat.

Pardon Me (Apps, 1982)

height 18", bloom 2.75", season M, Rebloom, Dormant, Diploid, Fragrant, Bright red self with yellow green throat. (sdlg × Little Grapette)

 (Carr, 1997)

height 28", bloom 5.75", season M, Rebloom, Evergreen, Tetraploid, Red with a lighter red watermark. (Midnight Magic × Betty Warren Woods)

Burning Inheritance (Salter, 1994)

height 28", bloom 5.5", season M, Rebloom, Semi-Evergreen, Tetraploid, Red orange self. (Chestnut Mountain × Unforgettable Fire)

Apache War Dance (Thomas-D., 1994)

height 30", bloom 4.5", season MLa, Rebloom, Dormant, Tetraploid, Fragrant, Scarlet red with darker red eyezone above lemon chartreuse to green throat. ((Flaming Delight × Dance Ballerina Dance) × sdlg)

Red Volunteer (Oakes, 1984)

height 30", bloom 7", season M, Dormant, Tetraploid, Clear candle red self with gold yellow throat

Reason for Treason (Kirchhoff-D., 1996)

height 25", bloom 5.5", season M, Rebloom, Evergreen, Tetraploid, Cardinal red self with green throat. (sdlg × Leonard Bernstein)

Ross Scott (Mercer-R., 1992)

height 28", bloom 6", season M, Dormant, Tetraploid, Red self with green throat

Roses in Snow (Hansen-D., 1999)

height 24", bloom 5.25", season EM, Rebloom, Semi-Evergreen, Tetraploid, 18 buds, 3 branches, Red with ivory edge and emerald throat. (Calgary Stampede × Untamed Glory)

Spacecoast Hot Topic (Kinnebrew-J., 2000)

height 24", bloom 4", season EM, Rebloom, Evergreen, Tetraploid, 25 buds, 3 branches, Red self above yellow green throat. (sdlg × Leonard Bernstein)

Crimson Flood (Bell-T., 2002)

height 24", bloom 6.5", season M, Rebloom, Evergreen, Tetraploid, 20 buds, 3 branches, Red self above yellow to green throat. (Ruby Lips × Evening Enchantment)

Thin Man (Trimmer, 2002)

height 42", bloom 12", season M, Rebloom, Evergreen, Tetraploid, 24 buds, 2 branches, Unusual Form Cascade, Bright red self above yellow green throat. (sdlg × Long Tall Sally)

Wally (Howard-T., 1991)

height 22", bloom 5.25", season M, Dormant, Diploid, Double, Cerise red with narrow dark red eyezone above green throat. (Barry Myers × Stroke of Midnight)