Thursday, April 30, 2009

Spring Discoveries

A welcome addition to a springtime supper....wild asparagus and morel mushrooms!

Mr. and Mrs. Honker have successfully nested! They scouted out the area for a couple of weeks before establishing residence on the side of the lake nearest our house. In previous years, we have found wild geese nesting on the far side, but, this is the first time to have them so near. This pair seems to not mind us walking near and they are not scared when we drive up the road and find them feeding in the garden. They are still coming off the nest and feeding in our garden, but, now they take turns...where before the nesting, they always came together.

This is the site they have chosen for their nest....just at the edge of the water...and only a few feet from a walking path...directly behind the picnic table in this photo. Guess they wanted a great waterfront view....with all the convenience of easy accessibility!


Dirt Princess said...

I love aspargus! Great discoveries!

tina said...

Yum on the fresh asparagus. It will be neat to watch the goslings.

Heather said...

You are so lucky to have those geese be so close. How fun to watch how they nest and interact with you and your garden. I love geese. We get them on their migration path. Millions of them. Fun to see.

Lola said...

I didn't know that asparagus grew wild. What conditions does it grow in?
I have it planted here & I remember my mom telling me once that the richer the soil the more shoots it would put off.
I really like asparagus & when I'm out in the garden in the Spring I'll just snap it off & eat it raw.